It is possible that I have began this at the very age of 6, but the fact that I resurected IT so many times makes me doubt it. Seems like that 6 – year – old – girl beginning was just another one Out of some other Million beginnings of the same Journey.
For me, creating clothes is a form of personal reconstruction. Mainly connected with my emotions, but other times it’s just a visual composition.
I would describe my style as Casual Urban, even though I don’t know how much it’s defined. I know for sure that I wanna break some patterns and limitations at some point.
The creator is a Loner, but having the oportunity to share his work with the world is a way of connection. This ending point of creation (sharing it with people) is important for me and brings me as much joy as the other steps of the creating clothes: the sketching, picking the textile, making the patterns, making the product, photographing it, posting it on social media and interacting with you, people. It’s a form of receiving back the energy of creation, it’s like closing a circle.